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Summer Body Positivity

We are halfway through 2019 but we are still all about helping you make 2019 your best year yet! Being (and staying) body positive can be a challenge, especially during the summer, when more of our bodies are on display AND especially during holidays (like 4th of July) when everyone is out and about showing off their summer bods while enjoying bar-b-que and beverages of all sorts. Your Hello Smooth fam has got your back with some helpful ideas to keep you celebrating your freedom with style!

Staying healthy means staying happy, and vice versa. Take a little time for yourself and remember why you’re going out in the first place. Celebrations should be just that–a great time with great friends. Catching up with faces you haven’t seen in a while, laughing about the old days and just having a great time overall.

Another thing to keep in mind is what exactly does celebrating your independence mean to you? Maybe you paid off your car loan. Or maybe you got out of a bad situation and into a better one. Whatever it is, celebrate yourself because you deserve it!

Wherever you are and whatever you choose to celebrate, know that your Hello Smooth fam is proud of you! Keep it up, and remember to always Be Smooth, Be Cool and Be YOU!

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