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Kybella Fat Dissolver in Jacksonville, FL

Many people are bothered by the area underneath their chin, particularly when excess fat begins to build up. In medical terms, this is known as submental fat, although many people simply refer to it as a “double chin.” This fat can make people appear older and heavier than they actually are. In most cases, eating well and exercising is not enough to get rid of this submental fat. For those frustrated by this chin profile, Kybella may just be the solution.

Kybella is the only FDA-approved injectable treatment that will blast away those fat cells, give people the facial profile they’ve been looking for, and help them keep their chin up.

Woman receiving Kybella treatment

How does Kybella work?

Kybella uses a synthetic deoxycholic acid to blast away the submental fat under a person’s chin. This molecule is naturally found in the body. The synthetic version simply boosts the levels of that molecule in the body, allowing more fat to be blasted away while using Kybella treatments.

After undergoing Kybella treatments, the cells in the chin are no longer able to store submental fat. This means once treatment reaches the desired goal, a person does not require ongoing treatments.

Kybella is injected into the chin area by a Kybella-trained healthcare specialist. Several small injections will be done with each treatment taking about 15 to 20 minutes. Typically individuals will require more than one treatment, although no more than six treatments should be given. The number of injections required will depend on the amount of submental fat a person wishes to eliminate.

Before treatment begins, a Kybella specialist will examine the area and determine if Kybella is right for a certain individual. When a person is a suitable candidate for Kybella treatments, the specialist will then determine how many treatments are needed.

Is Kybella right for me?

Kybella may be right for you if:

  • You’re self-conscious or embarrassed by fat under the chin, also known as submental fullness
  • You feel the condition makes you look older or heavier than you actually are
  • You don’t want to have surgery
  • You eat well and exercise, but submental fullness does not go away

See for yourself!

areas of treatment

Chin (double chin)


Waist (love handles)

Inner thighs


Bra area

Frequently Asked Questions

KYBELLA is an injectable medicine for adults. It’s FDA-approved and eliminates the fat cells to improve a person’s profile and appearance. Those under the age of 18 should not use KYBELLA, as it’s unknown what the effects are on children and adolescents.

KYBELLA’s main ingredient is synthetic deoxycholic acid, a molecule that’s already found in the body. Deoxycholic acid destroys fat cells and KYBELLA boosts the levels of this molecule in the body. Once the fat cells under the chin are destroyed, this area loses the ability to store fat. This not only improves a person’s profile, but it also ensures once the round of treatments is done, a person will not need them again.

This is the collection of fat cells underneath the chin. It’s often referred to as a “double chin”. It can begin appearing when someone gains weight or as a person ages. Due to genetics, some are born with this submental fullness.

Every person will require a different number of Kybella treatments depending on the amount of submental fullness they’re dealing with. A specialist will work with you to tailor a treatment plan ideal for your situation. Each treatment consists of multiple injections under the chin. Patients may receive up to six treatments, but no more than that. These treatments should be administered at least one month apart.

KYBELLA is a medical treatment and as such, does carry some risks. The most common symptoms after treatment are swelling, bruising, pain, numbers, redness, and hardening around the treatment area. KYBELLA also carries some larger risks. These include hair loss, open sores, death or damage to tissue cells, trouble swallowing, and nerve damage. Some patients experience an uneven smile or weekend facial muscles. These should resolve on their own within an average of 44 days, although it could take up to 298 days. Other patients reported difficulty swallowing, which should resolve on its own within three days, although it may take up to 81 days.

After KYBELLA treatment is complete, the area that once experienced submental fullness can no longer store or accumulate fat cells. Upon completing treatment, no further treatments are necessary.

The cost of KYBELLA varies, as each individual will need a different amount of treatment sessions. The cost of KYBELLA includes not only the medicine but the healthcare specialist that will administer the treatment. The best healthcare professionals will talk with you to gain an understanding of the results you’d like to see so they can create a treatment plan that is tailored for you.

We offer NEW CLIENT discounts as well as package discounts on a monthly basis. Please look for our monthly e-mails and website for further sales and specials!

Anyone with submental fullness that is interested in KYBELLA should speak with us to learn if they are a good fit for this innovative treatment program.

Book your Kybella Fat Reducing Treatment Today!

Book your Kybella appointment in Jacksonville, FL, and speak to one of our trained technicians to learn more.

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