Coco Chanel once said, “Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself.” These words go along way with us here at Hello Smooth. We love our bodies, we love ourselves and we encourage you all to do the same. We look forward to helping people everyday find “the moment” for themselves.
Understanding that beauty from within will always shine through is the first and most important step of being YOU. It’s easy to get caught up in all the drama that can find you when you’re just trying to get through your day. But drama causes stress, and stress leads to other things, like premature aging and poor health. Stay positive and don’t feed the beast. Feed the part of your soul that puts a smile on your face when you get a few minutes to yourself early in the morning, or that curl in your toes when you’re stretching before bed. It’s the little things that can take you a long way.
And know this; radiating positivity and love will undoubtedly give you the edge when it comes to feeling youthful and beautiful. There is a difference between wearing a smile on your face and putting a smile on someone else’s. Don’t be afraid to tell someone you like their outfit or their haircut. A little compliment can pull someone out of a slump faster than a quart of their favorite ice cream. Share your smile with them and see what it does for how you feel.
We have plenty of great deals going on throughout the summer, and there are special offers available for first timers too, so don’t hesitate to come by and see us at the office. We’d love to see you, and hey–say hi if you see us out and about too. Remember to love yourself and let that love be what you are. Be Smooth. Be Cool. Be YOU!